Magazine Le Mensuel


Dossier 2005


Dossier 2005

In the framework of the mission entrusted upon Andra by the Waste Act of 30 December 1991, the Agency presented to the Ministers for Research and Industry in 2005 a report on the feasibility of deep geological disposal for high-level and long-lived radioactive waste.

The report, representing the sum of the last 15 years of investigations, includes two parts:

  • An feasibility-assessment report on clay formations, based notably on the work conducted on the site of the Meuse/Haute-Marne Underground Laboratory and in foreign laboratories;
  • A report concerning the advantages of granite rocks based on the available bibliography on French granites and on the investigations carried out by Andra under research partnerships with foreign laboratories.


Apart from the regulatory review (ASN with IRSN) and the assessment by the CNE, an International Peer Review of the “Dossier 2005 Argile” concerning deep geological disposal in the Callovo-Oxfordian Formation was carried out under the NEA aegis.


Download documents

Télécharger le document pdf Andra research on the geological disposal of high-level long-lived radioactive waste (PDF – 1.7 Mo)


Télécharger le document pdf Andra research on the geological disposal of high-level long-lived radioactive waste – Results and perspectives (PDF – 8.71 Mo)





Télécharger le document pdf Synthesis Argile:
Evaluation of the feasibility of a geological repository in an argillaceous formation (PDF – 34.72 Mo)


Télécharger le document pdf Tome Architecture and management of a geological repository (PDF – 13.81 Mo)

Télécharger le document pdf Tome Phenomenological evolution of a geological repository (PDF – 18.14 Mo)

Télécharger le document pdf Tome Safety evaluation of a geological repository (PDF – 37.63 Mo)





Télécharger le document pdf Synthesis Granite:
Assets of granite formations for deep geological disposal (PDF – 35.32 Mo)


Télécharger le document pdf Tome Architecture and management of a geological repository (PDF – 9.39 Mo)

Télécharger le document pdf Tome Phenomenological evolution of a geological repository (PDF – 10.79 Mo)

Télécharger le document pdf Tome Safety analysis of a geological repository (PDF – 11.1 Mo)




Dossier 2005 Argile
Dossier 2005 Argile




Dossier 2005 Granite
Dossier 2005 Granite


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